Thursday, December 07, 2006

Banana Cake

I know I already did one banana recipe but I happened across this one on the Dan Lepard site and it looked interesting so in the name of research (and to rid myself of the cluster of scary looking bananas under my sink) I gave it a go. It needed a lot of whisking so I was imagining it to be very light but for some reason it sank like the Titanic. Nice eh?My mate Bex - 1 Dan Lepard - 0 It is still perfectly edible, though a little dense and I like the addition of the cinnamon and ginger which I might try adding to the other banana bread recipe.

I will try his other recipes, he looks like a nice bloke with his cute little goatee beard and cheeky smile. Not that I'm easily swayed or anything. *Feels foodie-related crush developing*
And he loves cake. What more could a girl ask for?

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