Apologies for the delay in posting, my New Year resolution of sorting out my house and life in general seems to have taken over a bit, resulting in an additional blog. I have been making and baking things all over the Christmas period, I had a few Bad Things Happen with some fudge I was trying to make. It suddenly went very granulated, I have no idea what went wrong but I think candy making is a skill I have yet to acquire. I got my BEAUTIFUL orange Kitchenaid. I had it well before the big day but felt so guilty I took my time getting it out of the box and using it. Mr AG has had to do a lot of overtime to pay for it which means he hasn't seen the children as much as he would normally. Girl is getting to the Daddy's Girl stage and seems to have missed him the most.
Other fantastic foodie presents I have received are a gorgeous Nigella cake stand in black from my Secret Santa on Damsels. Thank you Janice!! My sister bought me a set of number and alphabet biscuit cutters in a box. I will hopefully be making use of those for Boy's birthday that is coming up later in the month. I also had some Christmas themed ones I will put away for next year.
I didn't manage to take pictures of everything I made which is a shame as I finally perfected Baileys and White Chocolate Cheesecake, it looked fabulous. I learned from previous experience it sticks to the tin so I lined it to within an inch of it's life and it came out perfectly!
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1 comment:
I love that mixer!
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