Monday, December 18, 2006

One-size-fits-all cupcakes

It was Boy's class Christmas party today. I was hoping to make lots of little cakes for him to take in but the plan was that each child brought in their own food on a paper plate wrapped in clingfilm with their name on. So that rained on my parade a little. I suppose I can see the sense in it as they could have either ended up with mountains of food or none at all and I suppose offering food around to 60+ children takes time so I can forgive them (just about!) I promised Boy I would make him something cakey especially anyway. At least this is one thing I have minimal chance of making Bad Things Happen. I've been having one of those type of weeks to be honest. I've had to break out the emergency freezer pizza twice in a week. I seem to have lost my kitchen mojo. Just the thought of the wasted food makes me so ashamed. Jinxed, I'm sure.

Anyhow, continuing my obsession with mini muffin cases I decided to make my cupcakes teeny sized. Boy expressed a preference for Jelly Tots and I made them festive and green too. The recipe I use exactly fills 24 mini muffin cases or 12 cupcake cases so they are rounded and full when baked, but not overflowing or 12 muffin cases that are to be filled up with icing to the top Nigella-style. I like the way they don't peak and need trimming down before icing, they just go into a nice dome with minimal cracking on top. They are so light and fluffy too and don't stick to the cases.

One-size-fits-all cupcakes

4oz/110g butter (softened) or margarine
4oz/110g golden caster sugar

2 eggs

4oz/110g self raising flour, sifted
  • Preheat oven to Gas 5/190c
  • Cream together butter and sugar until light and well combined
  • Add the eggs and whisk until incorpotated
  • Add the sifted flour and fold/whisk in until mixture is fluffy with no lumps!!
  • Divide between 12 cupcake, 24 mini muffin or 12 muffin cases.
  • Bake for 10-20 minutes (depending on size of cakes) until a pale golden colour.
  • Ice with buttercream, frosting, sprinkles, Smarties, chocolate etc etc etc!!
I know it's tempting to shove all the ingredients in all at once and just mix but I think adding it in stages makes them a lot nicer.


Anonymous said...

Very cute!

I bought the Nigella book for my mum for christmas - I so want to keep it!

Moi said...

I am going to make these for his lordships birthday but I think I am going to do them Nigella-style!